1j37b (1j37b)
ID: 266582
This article refers to the component: To the tube/semiconductor
1j37b (1j37b)
08.Oct.11 12:59
Also known as 1ZH37b-r, 1sh37b-r and properly 1Ж37Б
Useful information on these kinds of sub-miniature Rod Pentode tubes (valves):
The 1j37b is still (2011) readily available to purchase as New Old Stock (NOS).
Nützliche Informationen über diese Art von Sub-Miniatur-Rod Pentode Röhren:
Die 1j37b ist immer noch (2011) leicht zugänglich zu kaufen (2011) leicht zugänglich wie Neu Alte Aktien Kauf (NOS)
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12.Oct.11 21:39
32 from 3089
1j37b 1Ж37Б
Cross-section showing single filament feed on top
Glass (in grey) about 8mm diamenter
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