blaupunkt:  ; B VII (7)

ID: 178950
blaupunkt:  ; B VII (7) 
10.Dec.08 14:29

Lars-G. Lundelin (FIN)
Articles: 143
Count of Thanks: 6

Hi All Radio Friends!

What would be the best substitute for the RE154? Presently there is a Philips B406 together with RE054 and RE064 in my Blaupunkt BVII.


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Replacement for RE154 
10.Dec.08 15:24

Bernhard Nagel (D)
Articles: 1706
Count of Thanks: 7
Bernhard Nagel

The Philips triode B406 should be a really good substitute for the RE154. Along with the model pictures, an advertisement sheet shows exact this type.

But one can also use the tubes RE114 (same µ but lower inner resistance) or RE134. The latter one has a greater amplification factor (9 instead of 5) and a higher plate resistance. In practice, these differences in data are quite irrelevant. All these tubes will work fine with the Blaupunkt B VII.

Regards, Bernhard Nagel

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The RE154 
10.Dec.08 16:51

Lars-G. Lundelin (FIN)
Articles: 143
Count of Thanks: 5

Thanks a lot Herr Nagel for your information.

I tried to find the original tube, but it seems to be harder than I thought. 
Well, going on searching for it, but in the meanwhile I'm listening on stations
through this old beauty.



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12.Dec.08 17:02

Lars-G. Lundelin (FIN)
Articles: 143
Count of Thanks: 6


got an offer for the missing RE154 tube, but before doing a bargain, I'd like to know whether my set really is authentic. The original remaining tubes (RE054 and RE064) has signs of red/brown glue marks, some kind of labels had been glued on the tubes. It would be quite a certain proof for the set's genuineness if anyone could tell what had been written on these labels. The size of the labels are abt 42x31 mm. The set itself looks to be extremely authentic with all it's stamps of numbers inside.    



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Authentic or not? 
12.Dec.08 18:10

Bernhard Nagel (D)
Articles: 1706
Count of Thanks: 7
Bernhard Nagel

First, you may check your set with the already loaded pictures. If you are still in doubt, please show the regarding parts/ your B VII here in this thread, then we will see what you mean. Without pictures, no comparison can be made.

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Blaupunkt VII Authentification 
12.Dec.08 20:17

Lars-G. Lundelin (FIN)
Articles: 143
Count of Thanks: 7

As requested, I'll present some pics of my Blaupunkt B VII. Hope these will bring some clarification in this issue.



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12.Dec.08 21:01

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 (D)
Articles: 2333
Count of Thanks: 7
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

It looks genuin, but it might be the contempory kit version, using different circuit board and capacitors. There are several variants which are hard to distinguish. E.g. the speaker output (left or right), or the RF input (parallel or series resonant). Unfortunately literature on this subject is scarce.

There is nothing wrong withYour B VII, be it kit or assembled.

I think the sticker at the tube base is meaningless.
My best guess is tube test protocol from a repair shop

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13.Dec.08 12:59

Lars-G. Lundelin (FIN)
Articles: 143
Count of Thanks: 6

Hi Nagel and Kobi! 

Thank you very much for your help!

Anyhow, whether kit or assembled, it has got the seat of honour in the collection.  

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