Grigsby-Grunow or Majestic?
Grigsby-Grunow or Majestic?
Majestic is a name of multiple use. There is terrible confusion in literature about three separate companies.
To avoid doublets and achieve unambiguous allocation of radio models the relations of Majestic vs. Grigsby-Grunow and Grunow/General Household Utilities are listed in the following.
1) Company Grigsby-Grunow went bankrupt in 1932 and its models ended with the 1933 season. Models were often named Majestic.
It was followed by two successing companies:
2) Company Majestic Radio & Television started in 1933
3) Company General Household Utilities started also in 1933,
featuring the model name Grunow.
Please be extremely careful to distinguish the 3 different manufacturers, in particular for 1933 models.
Rider's is listing in the index "Grigsby-Grunow" models, but to find are they under "Majestic" in the files (although the sheets themselves are headed Grigsby-Grunow...).
Similar confusion is found in Bunis/Slusser, while Machine Age to jet Age puts together No.1 and 2, separating No.3.
Beitman calls both No.1 and 2 Majestic, but separating "old" and "new".
Grinder does separate, but lists models from the late 1930's also under Grigsby-Grunow (No.1).
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Grigsby-Grunow / Majestic - Coding of 1928 and 1929 models
Followed by my first attempt to analyze the early model 71 from 1928 and to bring in some more information for the model line 60, 70 and 80 I write down what can be found in the Rider's page Majestic 1-24 in the original Rider's binder.
1. Parts with like part number in different assemlies and models are interchangeable, others are not.
2. The following prefixes and model numbers are for 1928 apparatus assemblies:
GA G1 ---Power Speaker for 7-A Chassis only.
70-A 7-A---Chassis for 1928 No. 71 and No. 72 models only.
60-A 6-A---Chassis for 1928 No. 61 and No. 62 models only.
7P-6 Power Pack, 60 cycle for No. 7-A Chassis only.
7P-3 Power Pack, 30 cycle for No. 7-A Chassis only.
6P-6 Power Pack, 60 cycle for No. 6-A Chassis only.
6P-3 Power Pack, 30 cycle for No. 6-A Chassis only.
3. The following prefixes and model numbers are for 1929 apparatus assemblies:
GB G2 ---Super Dynamic Speaker for 7-B Chassis and 180 Chassis
70-B 7-B---Chassis for 1929 No. 71 and No. 72 models only.
180 180---Chassis for 1929 No. 181 radio and phonograph combination.
7-BP-6 Power Pack, 60 cycle for 7-B Chassis only.
7-BP-3 Power Pack, 30 cycle for 7-B Chassis only.
8-P-6 Power Pack, 60 cycle for 180 Chassis only.
8-P-3 Power Pack, 25, 30, 40 cycle for 180 Chassis only.
The rest on that page has nothing to do with this but is for Majestic Model 91 and 92 with chassis model 9-P-3 and 9-P-6 Power Units. Those models show a tube line up of: 5 x 27, 2 x 245 and 380 (80).
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