mediator: Mediator 1502U - Electric vs Implementation schema

ID: 433172
Questo articolo si riferisce al modello: MD1502U (Mediator; La Chaux-de-Fonds)

mediator: Mediator 1502U - Electric vs Implementation schema 
28.Nov.17 20:25

Roberto Licandro (CH)
Articoli: 61
Nr. ringraziamenti: 12
Roberto Licandro

Dear Collegues,

after my previous clarification request I continued to study the case and at the end I think I have found the explanation to the inconsistences that I saw.

The previous owner repaired the radio adding two new resistors, one of 150 ohms (instead of 180) in the schema indicated as R2 and another one I suppose (because is burned) of 630 ohms as R3+R4.

The problem that caused the discrepancies between the schema and the radio, is that the old burned resistor (R2+R3+R4) WAS NOT demounted and used as assemblage support, so the immage I have seen, with of all resistors burned, was different to those in the electric schema.

In any case thanks for your attention tha case may be considered closed.

Yours Sincerely 

Roberto Licandro


Ringrazia l'autore se ritieni l'articolo interessante o ben scritto.

mediator: Mediator 1502U - Electric vs Implementation schema 
28.Nov.17 20:30
3 from 1219

Roberto Licandro (CH)
Articoli: 61
Nr. ringraziamenti: 12
Roberto Licandro

Dear Collegues,

after my previous clarification request I continued to study the case and at the end I think I have found the explanation to the inconsistences that I saw.

The previous owner repaired the radio adding two new resistors, one of 150 ohms (instead of 180) in the schema indicated as R2 and another one I suppose (because is burned) of 630 ohms as R3+R4.

The problem that caused the discrepancies between the schema and the radio, is that the old burned resistor (R2+R3+R4) WAS NOT demounted and used as assemblage support, so the immage I have seen, with of all resistors burned, was different to those in the electric schema.

In any case thanks for your attention tha case may be considered closed.

Yours Sincerely 

Roberto Licandro


Ringrazia l'autore se ritieni l'articolo interessante o ben scritto.