montgomery:  ; 25GSE-1555A (25 GSE 1555 A)

ID: 203956
? montgomery:  ; 25GSE-1555A (25 GSE 1555 A) 
01.Nov.09 14:05

John Backscheider (USA)
Articles: 6
Count of Thanks: 5
John Backscheider

After initial recapping of this Ward Airline radio, it exhibited signs of silver mica disease.  Attempting my first repair on an IF Transformer, I have some questions which I hope you can help me with

1.  The schematic shows two mica caps but only gives one overall value 250mmf  which covers both.  How can I determine the individual values I should use for my two replacement caps? 120 pf each? 

2. Removing the internal componets to get to the original mica caps, I made a rooky mistake and broke one of the two fine wires that run up the side.  The wire gage is very fine.  Should I solder a replacement length of wire I have available (24 Ga) or is there another way to properly repair this?

Thanks and I hope you can help me. 

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Filter caps 
01.Nov.09 15:54

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 (D)
Articles: 2333
Count of Thanks: 3
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

 Just by trial and error:

 I would install two 120 caps and see if I can tune an IF maximum. If that fails, two 250 caps should do the job.

Good luck!


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