murphy: SAD94S (SAD 94 S);

ID: 191446
This article refers to the model: SAD94S (Murphy Radio Ltd.; Welwyn Garden City)

? murphy: SAD94S (SAD 94 S);  
09.Jun.09 11:12

Meyer Rochwerger (BR)
Articles: 126
Count of Thanks: 4
Meyer Rochwerger

Dear friends, I'm just finishing the restoration of a Murphy radio model SAD-94S.

Now is time to align it's IF/RF circuits but I dont find the alignment data such the IF frequency wich is not mentioned in the schematics.

I really appreciate if someone could help me with this matter.



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Can a member from UK help you? 
09.Jun.09 12:38

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5745
Count of Thanks: 4
Ernst Erb

Dear Meyer
I wanted to help you - but was astonished that the model is (was) missing the tubes, the power details and even the wave bands - and you have it in front of you ...
I don't write this because of you because you have loaded up more than 500 pictures ;-)
One reason why I took my pleasure to help you. 
It is for showing to other members how we work here (together).

My first task was to put in those parameters. Are they correct?

I then looked up schematics with the same tube line up by entering TH233 VP133 HL133DD Pen383 U403 into the "Search for Antique Radios etc. by Tubes/Valves or Semiconductors" - which gave me 7 answers - all from Murphy. One is an AD94 which attracted me. The model ha an IF of 465 kc.

Unfortunately the schematic there does not give the values. You could try if your set is near this value ...

If you have bad luck, then you might ask Keith Staines who loaded up more than 4000 schematics!

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Murphy SAD94S service data 
11.Jun.09 10:11

Howard Craven (GB)
Articles: 110
Count of Thanks: 2


Hello Meyer,

I've had problems getting service data for my Murphy A98 as well, circuit diagrams are readily available for these 1945 Murphy models but not service data. Anyway the good news is I have a Murphy manual covering this model except it has LW rather than SW but it should be sufficient to enable you to re-align your SAD94S and I will email it to you shortly. The IF frequency of all the AD94/SAD94 models is 465 khz so I'll update that on the model pages.

Regards ......... Howard


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Member help... 
12.Jun.09 13:06

Meyer Rochwerger (BR)
Articles: 126
Count of Thanks: 4
Meyer Rochwerger

Dear Erb,

The tube line up is correct !!

Our colleague Howard Craven send me a copy of the whole service manual. As soon as possible I'll input other details to the model page.



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Thanks for the help 
12.Jun.09 13:10

Meyer Rochwerger (BR)
Articles: 126
Count of Thanks: 3
Meyer Rochwerger

Hello Howard,

Thank you for the useful service manual !!!!

This is RMORG's aim.

My best wishes,


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A useful Murphy website 
13.Jun.09 15:37

Mike Izycky (GB)
Articles: 85
Count of Thanks: 2
Mike Izycky

Hello Meyer,

an excellent resource for Murphy radios that does not seem to have been mentioned here is the Murphy Radio website which has an extensive selection of circuit diagrams for most models (including those for export); it is worth contacting the site's owner for more information on a particular model.



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