philco: Code 122; 37-84B (37-84, 37-84A)
? philco: Code 122; 37-84B (37-84, 37-84A)

Ich hatte mein Philco 37-84A Code 122 unter Baujahr 1937 angelegt .Die Bilder sind jetzt bei Philco 37-84A Code 122 Baujahr 1936.
Muss ich mein 37-84A jetzt auch unter Baujahr 1936 einordnen ?
Für das Baujahr 1937 sind bisher noch keine Bilder hinterlegt !
Jürgen Bauch
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37-84 Variante: Modeljahr und Baujahr

Bei Philco sind das Modelljahr und das Baujahr nicht immer gleich. Modelle mit Modellnummer 37-XX sind vom Modelljahr 1937, das von Juni 1936 bis Mai 1937 lief.
Es gab 2 Varianten von 37-84B Code 122. Die "early" Variante wurde nur 1936 produziert, und die "late" Variante nur 1937. Ihre Variante ist die "early" Variante.
Der Unterschied zwischen "early" und "late" hat nur mit dem Gehäuse zu tun. Ihre Bilder zeigen die "early" Variante 37-84_code122_early . Die "late" Variante hat das selbe Gehäuse wie 37-84_code121 .
Obwohl wir noch keine Bilder unter 37-84_code122_late (Baujahr 1937) haben, wären Ihre Bilder nicht richtig dafür.
A little more explanation in English: There are three variants of the Philco model 37-84B cathedral radio. Code 121 uses older tube styles, and the two versions (early and late) of Code 122 use octal tubes. The difference between the early and late versions of Code 122 is the cabinet style. Your pictures show the early cabinet style, with four vertical bars through the speaker grill. The late version doesn't have four bertical bars, but instead has a small amount of curved lattice work at the bottom of the speaker grille. The late version cabinet is in fact the same as the Code 121 cabinet (compare pictures at links above).
It may seem confusing that the cabinet of the late version of Code 122, which should have been the last version produced, is the same as the cabinet of the Code 121, which should have been the first version produced. Nonetheless, the information we have suggests that this is indeed the case.
Finally, a word about the difference between the "model year" and the actual year of production for Philco. The model year corresponds to the first two digits of the model number (this method was used by Philco from 1937 until the early 1950s). So your 37-84B is from the 1937 model year. However, the model year started in June of the previous year, and ended in May of the model year, so the 1937 model year spanned the time from June 1936 through May 1937. For most models of the 1937 model year, you will see 1936/1937 shown as the year in RMorg. However, in special cases like model 37-84B, where multiple versions were produced within a single model year, the actual year of production of each variant is shown. That's why the 37-84B Code 122 Early is shown with just 1936.
By the way, the "B" suffix on the model number indicates a cathedral cabinet. Often this was not marked on the radio or cabinet, but Philco sales literature uses this designation. The "A" suffix shown on the chassis tag (but not on the cabinet tag) indicates a 25-40 Hz power supply (and sometimes also 220-240 volt). In most cases, we do not show a separate model in RMorg for the "A" version chassis, but simply mention in the notes that such versions exist.
Best regards,
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Philco 37-84B early

Hallo Herr Albrecht
Vielen Dank für die Antwort. Ich habe mein Philco 37-84B jetzt unter "early" eingeordnet.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jürgen Bauch
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