Philips PFX Series PFX HVA Transceiver

ID: 182663
? Philips PFX Series PFX HVA Transceiver  
01.Feb.09 17:08

Wolfgang Scheida (A)
Articles: 616
Count of Thanks: 7

Philips PFX (Transceiver series)

A whole system description you will find here and here!

Short summary:

Reference type: Philips PFX HVA  

PFX stands for PocketFone.

First suffix (H) describes transmitter power.

Second suffix (V) describes channel spacing frequency.

Third suffix (A) describes VHF and UHF frequency bands.


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Fertig beantwortet 
19.Feb.09 19:37

Wolfgang Scheida (A)
Articles: 616
Count of Thanks: 9

Der obige Beitrag war immer nur als Info gedacht - Leider läßt sich das nicht mehr auf Info umändern.

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