Please help me to identify this very old tube

ID: 522999
? Please help me to identify this very old tube 
14.Apr.19 18:35

Ottó Jancsek (H)
Articles: 49
Count of Thanks: 9
Ottó Jancsek

I have the attached tube. It looks very old. There isn't any sign on it. It's a triode. The base looks UV. I think it's manufactured by Moorhead, but I'm not sure. Has anybody idea about it's manufacturer and/or type?

Best regards,




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Please help me to identify this very old tube 
19.Apr.19 01:31
162 from 1554

Hilmer Grunert (D)
Articles: 392
Count of Thanks: 5
Hilmer Grunert

Hello Ottó

it seems to be an Electron Relay from de Forest or Marconi - Marconi has an rubber-stamped on base - like Your tube.

Foto is from : Saga of Vacuum Tube by Gerald F.J.Tyne

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Please help me to identify this very old tube 
19.Apr.19 18:55
222 from 1554

Ottó Jancsek (H)
Articles: 49
Count of Thanks: 7
Ottó Jancsek

Hello Hilmer,

Thank you for your effort. It looks the closest I have ever seen. 

Best regards,


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