Search for Models

ID: 205683
Search for Models 
20.Nov.09 13:22

Rainer Rothen (USA)
Articles: 6
Count of Thanks: 8
Rainer Rothen


Search for Models         (original article in German by Ernst Erb)
Occasionally I get an email with the remark that a member can not find a certain model via “simple search for Antique Radios”; most of the time with the explanation that she or he then will be able to find it via “Extended Search” or typing in the Manufacturer.
I am sometimes amazed about how some Members start their search in a complicated way – even though it is explained with help from the blue info buttons at the upper right section of each page with some examples.
No, nobody reads that …
The obvious “Secret” is:
  1. Use the simple model search (not SEARCH).
  2. Fill in only as much as needed- not more than one term. (Less is more in this case)
  3. If you get too many results, bring in a second term like manufacturer or brand.
Even in the initial (greetings-) email I wrote that one should consult the blue info- buttons. This (database) is not comparable to a village, but to a huge “Radio- City”, where, first, one needs to find her or his way around. Here is what I get for example:
… it’s obvious – the model was – unfortunately – entered under “de Luxe”; therefore I could not find it under the logical article “TK 14 L”. I also could not find it within the search- routine… You should change the model- name into “de luxe”!!!!
Using the Internet it is important to write a search term as a single word – otherwise one will get too many answers. Our search also will do so. The complaining member had used the word pair “de luxe” only – instead of the model name. This obviously was not found on the model and many papers did not contain the model name.
I would have looked it up under “TK14”- with a longer number / alpha- numeric combination (e.g. AS7340) by number “7340” only.
In case a model name contains a dash “-“, we do not enter all the different possibilities, we use AS-7340 for example… no additional ways of writing in brackets or such. On the other hand: if a model is named like AS7340 and also AS 7340 then the term with the blank can be set within brackets so that external search- engines can find it. Those search for whole names.
Assumption: Stored in the data bank shall be: AS7340, 340, 340W, 340GW and 340AS.
Your search shall be: AS. Result = Models AS7340, 340AS.
A different search: 340 will result in: ALL 340 models. The advanced search would also bring AS7340.

This article by Ernst Erb was translated into English on Nov.17, 2009 in ‘freestyle’ by Rainer Rothen
   I nearly forgot : Joe Sousa was my "proof"- reader - Thanks, Joe.


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? model name 
13.Dec.10 18:29
459 de 3314

Dirk Bladt (B)
Articles: 31
Count of Thanks: 3

Hello Rainer,

This system for searching is very effective and i like it very much.


the presentation in the lists is: "name - typenumber" which is in my view confusing since adjacent model numbers may not be adjacent in the list when one model has a name and the other has not.

ex: Jenny 22RL261 

when 22RL262 does not have a name or another name like "de luxe" it will not come after jenny.

See the list for Philips netherlands as an example (very big)

The purpose of my proposal is to get all model numbers in ascending order, so to see at a quick glance if a model is available in a certain range when unknown; one must not have to search in different places to find something.

So i propose to change the list to the format "typenumer - modelname" with the modelname between () if possible.

The previous example will then read as "22RL261 (Jenny)"

Thank you for your attention,

Dirk Bladt


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sorting sequence 
13.Dec.10 19:37
488 de 3314

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 (D)
Articles: 2333
Count of Thanks: 4
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Dear Dirk Bladt,

that may be nice for Your purpose, but we have to tame some thousand manufacturers and their incredibly widespread ways to baptise their models.

Next collector wants a time sequence  and another one in alphabetic order...

You can do that if only a single manufacturer has to be sorted. But his system is for sure completely chaotic for another company. Ever had a look how Americans name their radios? There is no way to unify, believe me.

Never mind!

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New and rapid simple model search 
19.Jan.11 12:23
687 de 3314

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5745
Count of Thanks: 3
Ernst Erb

We have introduced Lucene as search engine for the simple model search, which we also use in the SEARCH. And we have included manufacturer and/or brand into this model search - but in the advanced model search you have a separate field for this.

The idfference now is that the simple model search functions for complete "words" (terms), not for fractions as in the advanced model search. It functions in fact like Google now.

In other words: It does not matter wether a term comes first or last at all!
An example:

Norma K-US     2/610K-US

This is in two fields and it is a Nordmende radio.

Simple model search results for:
610 = 261 hits (when a term is so simple, you will get too many results)
Norma = 256 (because there also exists a brand norma ...)
Norma K = 4 hits. (SEARCH would bring 22 or so - wrong method for models!)
Norma K-US = 1 hit - you get the model page directly, not a hit list.
Norma KUS = no hit. The search has two "words" for K-US, namely K and US.
610K2 = 1 hit - you get the model page directly see the twist - which does not matter ...
Nordmende = >1000 hits (all of this manufacturer ...)
Nordmende K = 26 hits
Nordmende 610 = 9 hits - this is the best if you want to know the possibilities.
Would be my preferred simple model search if I want to find the model - being sure what's in that "family".

Only specialists will care for the many possibilities Lucene offers - like with Google, 99,9 % of users will not read the detailled instructions and will not have to. Here only the three most interesting features for a model search we offer: You can not use at the beginning ? or * but you can use ? in the term for saying this character is not known to me - can be any and * at the end of part of a term to say: "the following characters can be anything. The other "goodie" is -term: if you add a minus in front of a term then this says: search for what I have entered but leave out all the terms with a minus in front.

Os?illo* -klein
With that search you will find: Oszillograph, Oscillograph, Oszilloskop, Oszillograf etc. - but not if having "klein" as a separate word.

Rebuild of the simple model search each day 7:10, 15:15 and 23:15 Central European time.
All other model searches are not indexed (instantaneous). German text.

Comparison with the "Advanced search":
610 = 481 - because you get also "things" like this: W26102K Ch = K9, B6105M etc.
The advanced search and the "fully detailled search" (for members) are searching for strings, not for words. They are checking every single character combination at any place!
Sometimes a model number can be packed within other characters and we still want to find ...
But it is more for differenciated persons who have the knowledge to differenciate the idea of such search - and have the need for that.

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19.Jan.11 19:50
735 de 3314

Miguel Bravo-Cos (E)
Articles: 39
Count of Thanks: 4
Miguel Bravo-Cos

What Dick exposed is solved actually by clickin on Name or Type, then the list sort for one or the other but whit minor glitches, it take into account the scripts or other signs as happen in this page with the types beggining with 22.

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We will refine a few things 
19.Jan.11 21:53
757 de 3314

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5745
Count of Thanks: 3
Ernst Erb

First I think we need some terms like a city of a manufacturer to be not introduced (stop word) when building the index. An excample is the city Frankfurt for Blaupunkt (and others like Albert & Lenzen), because there are also models called Frankfurt - and they should come up only if we use this term. So for the search it is a term we need, but not as a part of the manufacturer.

We have to do a "database normalization process" for reducing redundancies. These are terms like Company, Ltd. etc. And here we have to deal with the same terms at the indexing PLUS at the searching process.

A third problem to solve are the Code-9 terms, where the user now has to be told to use the standard name. In the future the search itself has to find the different terms for the same manufacturer and its brand(s). This is most difficult and can not be solved completely because some brands have been used by different manufacturers or sellers etc.

At the moment we have used the following additions to manufacturer/brand names:

DeTeWe = DTW, Deutsche Telefonwerke R. Stock & Co. (alternative names).
Sears, Roebuck = Silvertone (brand).
Consolidated Radio Co = Precision Products, Machine Specialty Company (alternative names), Arborphone (brand).

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