emerson: Wrong pictures uploaded to Emerson CY-288

ID: 491174
? emerson: Wrong pictures uploaded to Emerson CY-288 
16.Oct.18 19:16

Chad Phillips (USA)
Articles: 2
Count of Thanks: 14
Chad Phillips

Hello, I do not know how to properly inform the administrators of this problem, I am sorry. 

The pictures uploaded to Emerson CY-288 are of the wrong model Emerson. The pictures are of a CY-286 not a CY-288.  I have a CY-286 that looks identical to the one pictures.  Also you can see the chassis is stamped CY-286 not CY-288 in one of the pictures.



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emerson: Wrong pictures uploaded to Emerson CY-288 
17.Oct.18 00:19
20 from 999

Hilmer Grunert (D)
Articles: 392
Count of Thanks: 8
Hilmer Grunert

Hi Chad,

please contact "Albert Weiss" or "Heiko zur Mühlen". They are picture-Admins. You find their email-adress at - Community - Memberlist (Mitgliederliste).

They must change the two pictures from Hans Amberger from Model ID 38923 (CY288) to Model ID 109117 (CY286).

So long

greetings from Germany


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emerson: Wrong pictures uploaded to Emerson CY-288 
17.Oct.18 01:01
24 from 999

Bernhard Nagel (D)
Articles: 1730
Count of Thanks: 8
Bernhard Nagel


thank you for reporting this. Two pictures showing the Emerson CY-286 has been moved to the correct model page.


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