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(The) Radio Retailer of Australia

(member of Mingay's merchandise journals)
English | Merchant Journal
aus_radio_retailer_august1936.jpg aus_radio_retailer_aug_14_1936_rear_cover.jpg
Author Editor
Publisher ISBN
Australian Radio Publications Pty. Ltd., Australia
Sydney NSW
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
March 1930
Format Pages
Print Type Type
Merchant Journal
Short Description

THE RADIO RETAILER OF AUSTRALIA was published from March, 1930 till November 1933.
From December 1933 till October 1935 it became RADIO AND ELECTRICAL MERCHANT.
From October 1935 it changed back to RADIO RETAILER OF AUSTRALIA.

It was a weekly publication from December 1933 through to August 1939, costing 6d and incorporated both Electrical News and Radio Review.

On November 25, 1938 the name changed once more to RADIO & ELECTRICAL RETAILER and was still as a weekly until August 1939 when it became fortnightly which continued till April 1947.

In May 1947 it changed  to RADIO ELECTRICAL WEEKLY and was published till December 1953.

Radio Retailer also published several annual booklets of 60-80 pages for 1/- each, such as the "Christmas Supplement 1936" and "Radio Sales Booster" in November 1937.

A detailed list of Mingay's merchandise journals is shown here.

Created by: Ernst Erb (02.Feb.12)
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