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Radom Musée des Télécoms - Cité des télécoms

22560 Pleumeur-Bodou, France (Bretagne)

Address Parc du Radôme
Floor area only roughly guessed: 5 000 m² / 53 820 ft²   Area for radios (if not the same) 5 000 m² / 53 820 ft²
Museum typ Exhibition
Radio and Kommunication in general
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Amateur Radio / Military & Industry Radio

Opening times
See homepage of the museum
Voir la page d'accueil du musée

Status from 04/2023
Adulte: 12 €; réduit: 8 €; Famille: 32 €

Tel.:+33-2-96 46 63 80   


Our page for Radom Musée des Télécoms - Cité des télécoms in Pleumeur-Bodou, France, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N48.786269° W3.524457°N48°47.17614' W3°31.46742'N48°47'10.5684" W3°31'28.0452"

Pleumeur-Bodou est à 10 min de Lannion. Prendre direction "Parc du Radôme".


de Paris par A11, N12, D767 ou A13, A84, N176-E401, N12, D767


Gare multimodale de Lannion-SNCF. - Ligne Paris-Brest TGV Lannion : direct vendredi soir Paris-Lannion, dimanche soir Lannion-Paris, quotidien l'été. - TER quotidien par Plouaret ou Guingamp hors saison. Infos: agence de voyages ou SNCF,


Aéroport de Lannion desservi par Airlinair. Ligne Paris-Lannion-Paris Orly Ouest tous les jours sauf le samedi. Infos:


With more than 100000 visitors welcomed each year, the Telecommunications museum of Pleumeur-Bodou is classed as one of the best sites of the Cotes d'Armor which cannot be overlooked. Opened in 1991, it is the only national telecommunications museum entirely realized and implemented by France Telecom. A strange place where past, present and future are brought together with a bonus a fascinating show just at the foot the giant white radar dome.

A Place full of History

The Telecommunications museum first took place in the Radar dome, an immense white ball of 50 meters in height which shelters a gigantic cone shaped antenna which weighs 340 tons. It’s thanks to this antenna that for the first time ever on the night of July 11 1962, that televised images were broadcast direct from America via the Telstar satellite.

Interactive Animation

A new feature to the Museum, is the interactive activities which allow you to explore the world of multimedia with the visiophones, video games, CD ROMS and certainly the internet.

Even the younger children are not forgotten as there are several educational expositions for them presented in the style of building block games. Through demonstrations and modules the children learn and understand how planes fly, how the rockets are powered and also how to produce electricity from everyday things such as a bike.

Forum contributions about this museum
Radom Musée des Télécoms - Cité des télécoms
Threads: 1 | Posts: 1
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Cosmopolis Pleumeur-Bodou in der Funkgeschichte der GFGF e.V
Heribert Jung

Foto mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Funkschauverlags für die GFGF-Funkgeschichte.

Radom Musée des Télécoms - Cité des télécoms
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