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ID = 77758
United States of America (USA)
Brand: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY)
Developer: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY) 
Tube type:  SPECIAL TUBE, other or unknown   UHF 
  Ca. 1925 up to 1945 no serial production. For instance only development samples. *****
Identical to A-1306B

Base Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935

Experimental beam-deflection tube. No info found. A prototype, unbased and with four top leads for electron catching plates and two side contacts for the output loop is described by Andrew W. Haef of RCA in Electronics, February 1939. Electrons are emitted from a gun-like cathode, accelerated at very high speed by a can-shaped collector in front of the cathode, while keeping focused by an external magnetic field, and then deflected to one of two side collectors connected to the external resonating circuit.

10 W output power were obtainable at 450 MHz with 110 W input power. Accelerating voltage was 6000 volts, 0.1 mA. Collectors operated at 2000 V, 150 mA.

The prefix A denotes for RCA an experimental tube.

An article on the operation of beam-deflection tubes as UHF mixer was printed in Electronics, May 1949.


Just Qvigstad

Collection of

Documents about this component
  Beam-deflection mixer tubes for UHF, E.W. Herold and C.W. Mueller, RCA. Reprint from Electronics, May 1949. 778 KB


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