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ID = 7735
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.;
Tube type:  Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier   Power-supply 
Identical to DU4 = 505
Similar Tubes
Normally replaceable-slightly different:
First year 22.Nov.1935 Wireless World (The), London (WW, 79)

Base Europe 3-Pin B3 (Eu H) (Codex=Eo)
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 4 Volts / If 1 Ampere / Direct / Specified voltage AC/DC

Va<500 rms at Ia <60mA mean.

Information source History of the British Radio Valve to 1940   p. 149 & 169
- - Manufacturers Literature   
Babani, International Radio Tube Encyclopaedia
Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49

du4_so.png DU4: rtt
Anonymous 10 Collector

Just Qvigstad

Forum contributions about this tube
Threads: 1 | Posts: 2
Hits: 3021     Replies: 1
DU4 (DU4)
Stuart Irwin

Hello All,

I notice that the photos for this tube are misplaced.  The DU4 is a rectifier made by Mullard and I believe is the equivalent of the Philips 506.  The photos show a De Forest tube, probably a triode.




Ernst Erb

Dear Stuart
How right you are! Thank you. DeForest made a couple of DV tubes and I can imagine that the V was read as an U. I moved the pictures to the DV4. I hope the DV4 is really a triode. I could not find any evidence about the DV4.

Now we miss a photo for the DU4 ... which is supposed to be a 505 (not 506).

End of forum contributions about this tube

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