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ID = 50481
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: Ediswan, Siemens Edison Swan Electric Co.; London
Developer: Fleming - valves; GB 
Tube type:  Signal Diode - one single system   Detector 
  <1925 very rare. ***
Identical to Fleming_132R

Base Swan-Bajonett B22=22 mm Sidecontact.
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 12 Volts / If 0.8 Ampere / Direct / Battery =

Catalogue Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd, about 1910. The Fleming valves were made by the Edison and Swan United Electric Light Co. and marketed by Marconi Wireless telegraph Co. Ltd. This tube has a tungsten filament.

Information source British Radio Valves - The Vintage Years: 1904-1925   Pages 7-16
- - Manufacturers Literature   1910 catalogue, page 44
Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne

Peter den Boer

Just Qvigstad
Fleming_132R: own collection
Peter den Boer

Collection of



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