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ID = 72472
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: Ericsson Telephones / British Ericsson / Etelco (ETL); London
Tube type:  Voltage Regulator, single 
Identical to GD150M
Similar Tubes
Normally replaceable-slightly different:
  0A2 ; 150C2 ; GD150M/S ; STV150/30
Other class quality (otherwise equal):

Base Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940

150V voltage regulator.

Minimum Anode Current 5mA

Maximum Anode Current 30mA

Minimum Anode supply 180V

Minimum running voltage at 5mA; 143V

Maximum running voltage at 30mA; 156V

Maximum change in running voltage over range of 5 to 30mA; 5V


stv15030_sock~~1.png GD150M: Ratheiser RTH,3.Aufl.,1964
Egon Penker

Just Qvigstad

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