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ID = 81626
Brand: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
Developer: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo 
Tube type:  CAMERA TUBE, general 
Identical to H4170


SATICON Picture tube.

Saticon  (Wiki_Info+)


Saticon is a registered trademark of Hitachi from 1973, also produced by Thomson and Sony. It was developed in a joint effort by Hitachi and NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories (NHK is The Japan Broadcasting Corporation). Its surface consists of selenium with trace amounts of arsenic and tellurium added (SeAsTe) to make the signal more stable. SAT in the name is derived from (SeAsTe).[119] Saticon tubes have an average light sensitivity equivalent to that of 64 ASA film

The Saticon is a vidicon-type camera tube with a Selenium—Arsenic — Tellurium photo-conductor. The tube was developed specifically for small high-performance color television cameras, but has proven useful for many other television-camera applications. The photo-conductor represents an improvement in resolution, stability, and reduction of optical flare over the presently used lead oxide photoconductors. The Saticon employs a new gun structure specifically designed to produce improved registration and registration stability in color cameras, and to reduce the lag of the tube.


Information source -- Collector info (Sammler)   

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