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ID = 80648
Brand: Common type Japan tube/semicond.
Tube type:  IC - Integrated Circuit   Universal 
Identical to M50752

Base Wires

Material/Aufbau/Pol.: IC (CMOS);
Form/Case/Outline: DIP-52 (M50752-xxxSP);
Type/Application: 8-Bit Microcontroller;
Daten/ Clock Frequency - Max.: __ MHz, Instruction Length: __ bit, Memory Addressing Range: __, Number of Addressing Modes: __, On-Chip RAM: __ bytes, Number of Interrupt Lines: __, No. of Non-Maskable Interrupts: __, Number of Maskable Interrupts: __, Number of I/O Lines: __, No. of I/O Ports: __, Vs: 5.0 V;
Manufactured by Mitsubishi (J)

Weight 2 g / 0.07 oz

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