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ID = 72122
United States of America (USA)
Brand: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY
Tube type:  TRIODE (Detail uncertain) 
Identical to Pliotron_Amplifier
First Source (s)
Mar.1913 : -- Original-techn. papers. White's notes

Base Wires
Filament Direct / Battery =

This was the first high vacuum triode built by G.E., and arguably anywhere else in the world. This tube was made in the research lab at Schenectady, NY in 1913. It was made according to Dr. Irving Langmuir's ideas. The first test was in March, 1913.

The advantage to this tube over the deForest Audions was the higher vacuum, plus the glass and electrodes were free from gases and vapors. This step was originated by Dr. Langmuir.

This tube could be operated at up to 250 volts, a great improvement over the deForest Audion that was good for only about 30 volts.

W.C. White was at the time an assistant to Dr. Langmuir, helping in the actual process to exhaust and test this tube.


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