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ID = 57842
United States of America (USA)
Brand: McCandless & Co, H.W.; New York City, NY
Developer: Wallace & Co. (Paul E.); New York City, New York 
Tube type:  Gas Triode   Detector 
  <1925 very rare. ***
Identical to Detector_Wallace

Base Wires
Filament Direct / Battery =

This is a tubular Audion with a single plate. It is used in a Wallace Valve detector and it is pictured in an advertisement in Modern Electrics of August 1913. The T(ubular) Audion of DeForest became available in April 1916 in response to the 1915 Cunningham Audiotron. Both have a cylindrical anode.

Text in other languages (may differ)

Usage in Models 1= 1911 ; 1= 1912 ; 1= 1913

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):3


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