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ID = 30833
Tube type:  Glow Indicator (Neon)   Indication 
  Late but very rare. ***
Identical to Tun-A-Lite
Similar Tubes
Multiple differences or of other kind:
  Tune-A-Lite ; VG-1
First Source (s)
1933 : Rider's Perpetual, Volume 4 = ca. 1934 and before p.4-8 Belmont

Filament --/--
Description This Tun-A-Lite (not Tune-A-Lite) is a 3-electrode neon tuning indicator. The third electrode maintains a continuous gas discharge (pilot arc) to permit continuous main indication without need of new ignition after zero indication..

There is also a completely different 3-electrode design, the Sparton Viso-Glo VG-1

Tun-A-Lite: KoBi
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Usage in Models 1= 1933? ; 1= 1933 ; 1= 1936??

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):3

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