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ID = 52084
Brand: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes international!); Miniwatt
Developer: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes international!); Miniwatt 
Tube type:  Triode, vacuum   Power/Output 
  Ca. 1925 up to 1945 rare.
Identical to Z13_Philips
Production stop 1927
Successor Tubes TA2/40  

Base SPECIAL TUBEBASE in general Top contact with a cap.
Was used by Transmittertube (Radio)
Filament Vf 5.8 Volts / If 2.2 Ampere / Direct

This tube was specially designed for use in aeroplane transmitters and military purposes in general. It is similar to the MOV MT3.

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Information source - - Manufacturers Literature   1927 transmitting tube catalogue

z13f~~3.png Z13_Philips: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart



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