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Below you find a part of the radio collection Heiner Kilian - including other related items. BCDX - Hörer. Ich betreibe auch mehrere professionelle analoge und SDR- Radios. Spezialgebiet Mittelwelle. Seit 2020 Redakteur der Zeitschrift "Funkgeschichte" des Vereins GFGF. |
Result: 1 to 15 from 15 |
Part of the radio collection of Heiner Kilian. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Heiner Kilian but this is not necessarily all of Heiner Kilian's collection.
USA: Radio Shack (Tandy, Realistic, Mic...
1979–84 : Archer Road Patrol (Bike Radio) 12-196 |
D: Neckermann-Versand KG; Frankfurt a...
1967–69 : Autokoffer Luxemburg - AFC Art. Nr. 829/722 1153920 Neckermann Luxemburg Artikel 829/722 Endstufe |
PRC: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: China
2007 ??: FM AM 2 Bands Receiver Just for you! HR-225 |
J: Technics (brand)
1981–83 : FM/AM Stereo Receiver SA-222 European version |
F: Radiola (marque)
1980 ??: FM GO Portable Receiver D1090 /18 Radiola D1090 innen |
D: ITT Schaub-Lorenz
1974–77 : GOLF europa 105 |
J: Technics (brand)
1986/87 : Integrated Stereo Amplifier SU-700 |
USA: ITC (International Transistor Corp...
1965 ??: ITC Solid State 15 Bild entstand bei der Restaurierung. |
D: Assmann, W., GmbH; Bad Homburg
1972 ??: Memocord K72 |
D: Protona, R. Stach; Hamburg, Hannov...
1960–62 : Minifon (nicht Miniphon) Special S |
J: Koyo Denki Co. Ltd.; Kodaira, Tokyo
1965 ??: MOII(?) |
D: Elac Electroacustic GmbH; Kiel
1963 ?: PW 160 ELAC Plattenwechsler 160PW von vorn.Matte auf dem Plattenteller fehlt wahrs... |
J: Sanwa
1980 ??: Rundfunkempfänger 6080 |
HK: Zephyr Radio Co. Ltd.; Hong Kong
1965 ??: Two Band |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1966–75 : Wiedergabegerät EW3 |
Result: 1 to 15 from 15 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Heiner
Kilian's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Heiner Kilian opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 21.Aug.2015.
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