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History of the manufacturer  

Wallace, Ted; London

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Name: Wallace, Ted; London    (GB)  
Abbreviation: wallace2
Products: Model types

Ted Wallace
4 Soho Street, London W1
12 Praed Mews, Norfolk Place, London W2 (1971)

Founded: 1928
Production: 1938 -

The history of the brand and the man behind it actually dates back to the late 1920s. Ted Wallace was a sax player, but his true talent lay with all things electronic and he decided to put this attribute to profitable use and set up his own company in 1928.

He was selling musical instrument amplifiers. In 1938, he commenced commercial production of amplification designed specifically for guitar and bass. This puts our Ted more than a wee bit ahead of the competition in this field, both here and over in America, pre-dating the efforts of the legendary Leo Fender, as well as long revered icons in the UK amp industry.

This manufacturer was suggested by Nick Barton.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  65 AC5075-XT EF86   


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