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History of the manufacturer  

Ika Radio (Radio IKA); Lódz+Litzmannstadt

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Name: Ika Radio (Radio IKA); Lódz+Litzmannstadt    (PL)  
Abbreviation: ika
Products: Model types Others

IKA RADIO, Zaklady Radiotechnizczne IKA, Lódz; (Lodsi, Lodsch); Manufacturer of Radio sets and components.
During German occupation in WW2 renamed in RADIO IKA, Litzmannstadt.

Founded: 1929
Closed: 1944
IKA, Lódz, was founded 1929 by Józef Kalinowski and Andrzej Sobczyk. Manufacture of radio parts and complete sets.In 1936 the company had 200 workers and 4 employees.

In 1939/40 following the German occupation it was renamed to Radiotechnische Fabrik IKA Litzmannstadt, production for Reich demands until 1944.
Jednym z kilku osrodków produkcji radioodbiorników w okresie miedzywojennym byla LODZ. Niewatpliwie najwieksza firma w Lodzi byly Zaklady Radiotechniczne - IKA.
Zalozona zostala juz w roku 1929 i dzialalnosc prowadzila az do okresu wojny co swiadczy o solidnosci marki.
Wlascicielami byli - Józef Kalinowski i Andrzej Sobczyk. Kapital zakladowy wynosil - 90 tys. zl. Firma posiadala zaklad przy ul. Cegielnianej 40 /pózniej Pomorskiej/.

Poczatkowo produkcja obejmowala podzespoly radiotechniczne - transformatory, dlawiki, kondensatory obrotowe i mikowe, przelaczniki, skale, glosniki i inne. Nastepnie firma rozpoczela produkcje odbiorników radiowych.

Wielkosc oraz zakres produkcji stale rozwijano, by w koncu osiagnac dobry poziom techniczny o czym swiadczy wyróznienie na Wystawie Przemyslu Metalowego, Elektro- i Radiotechnicznego w Warszawie w 1936 r.

Sprzedaz w 36 r. osiagnela 700 tys. zl. a zatrudnienie wynosilo 200 robotników, 4 - personel techniczny i 5 urzedników /te proporcje!/.

Zaklad prowadzil produkcje takze w okresie okupacji bedac pod zarzadem niemieckim, oczywiscie dla innych klientów.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
PL  41–43 Deutscher Kleinempfänger DKE [Sparversion] VCL11  Da die Fertigung unter deutscher Besetzung nur während des Krieges stattfand, wurden nur "... 
PL  37/38 42 Z AF3  originally equivalent polish tubes: TAF3=AF3, TAF7=AF7, TAL4=AL4, TAZ1=AZ1; 
PL  38/39 46 Z EK2   
PL  39/40 Sokol EF8   
PL  38/39 24Z EF9   
PL  39/40 Orlik EF9   
PL  39/40 Czajka EK2   
PL  39/40 Mewa EF8   
PL  41–43 Deutscher Kleinempfänger für Batteriebetrieb DKE38B KC1_4pin  Fertigung in Polen unter deutscher Besetzung. Manufactured in Poland under german occupation 
PL  36/37 Eros Z AF3  Model "Eros" from Ika Radio has 4 tubes, 3 tuned circuits and is acording to Ika Radio a "... 
PL  36/37 Triumf Z    
PL  36/37 Triumf B    


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Thanks to Henryk Berezowski - Polandtbn_pl_ika_1939_plakat.jpg

Forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand
Ika Radio (Radio IKA); Lódz+Litzmannstadt
Threads: 1 | Posts: 8
Hits: 4347     Replies: 7
IKA - Radio
Maciej Bialecki

Dear Friends,

I am looking for any information about IKA-RADIO, (or Radiotechnische Fabrik IKA Litzmannstadt 1939-1944), photos, leaflets, articles...
I will be grateful for help.

Maciej Bialecki

Dear Friends, have you ever seen radio with such logo ?



Wolfgang Bauer

Hallo Mr. Bialecki,

This radio ==> IKA 46Z is very similar. Let us see more photos, chassis etc.

Sincerely WB.
Maciej Bialecki

Hello Mr. Bauer,

Thank you for your interest.

It is true radio you are pointing is very similar in general. But it is not the same production season.
Ika 46Z is season 1938/1939. Ika's I am searching for are season 1939/40. I have only chassis ( type: Mewa U ) without wooden case, But I have photo from folder. For season 39/40 Ika designed four types:
Orlik - Eagle ( reaction radio)
Czajka - Peewit (superhet)
Mewa - Seagull (superhet)
Sokół - Falcon (superhet)
They prepeared radios for sale (just before occupation) but have no chance to sell it (because of occupation in Poland).
History of IKA shortly (years 1939/1940).
1st of September 1939 when II War started. Owner of Ika Radio did inventory/list of all goods which are in IKA Radio Company. 
In warehouse there we radios prepared for sale for season 1939/40.  Part of the inventory below:
As you can see in warehouse there was 180 superhet radios and 340 reaction radios ready for sale.
In work shop there was also 630 radios during montage/production.
Just after he did inventory he left Poland, Few days later Germans took over factory, Changed glass scales, And put there name Radiotechnishe Fabrik Ika Litzmannstadt.
Wladimir Schuiltz-Feegen was Kommisarische of factory.
Does anyone have such a radio in collection?
Sincerely Maciek
Maciej Bialecki


Dear colleagues, I need your help.
Is in our collectors society a lawyer?
I am not a lawyer and I have no access to old German law books.
Company IKA was closed by virtue of some paragraph from 1897 year.
Can you find to what  this paragraph refers? What information is hidden under this paragraph ?
I would be gratefull for help.
Jürgen Kilian

The German Trade Act of 1897 ("HGB") still exists today.

§ 31 II HGB means: "The company has gone out. Because of its own registered."

But one can not say, in which year the deletion of the company took place during WW 2. 

Juergen Kilian

Wolfgang Bauer

The German text of § 31 RGBl reads as follows:

§ 31 (1) Eine Änderung der Firma oder ihrer Inhaber, die Verlegung der Niederlassung an einen anderen Ort sowie die Änderung der inländischen Geschäftsanschrift ist nach den Vorschriften des § 29 zur Eintragung in das Handelsregister anzumelden.
(2) Das gleiche gilt, wenn die Firma erlischt. Kann die Anmeldung des Erlöschens einer eingetragenen Firma durch die hierzu Verpflichteten nicht auf dem in § 14 bezeichneten Weg herbeigeführt werden, so hat das Gericht das Erlöschen von Amts wegen einzutragen.


Maciej Bialecki

Mr. Jurgen Mr Wolfagang thank you for help.


As you see company was closed 19.9.1942

Ika Radio (Radio IKA); Lódz+Litzmannstadt
End of forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand


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