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History of the manufacturer  

Moscow Telegraph Works (ex-Morse)

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Name: Moscow Telegraph Works (ex-Morse)    (SU)  
Abbreviation: moscowtele
Products: Model types

Moscow Telegraph Works was started in May, 1917, by military authorities. In 1918 the plant was producing field telephones and telegraphs as well as crystal sets. In 1930 the plant was renamed and ceased manufacturing of communications products.

Founded: 1917
Closed: 1930

This manufacturer was suggested by Zenonas Langaitis.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
SU  24 BV {БВ} МДС  Coverage 300-1875 meters in 4 ranges. Tube "mikro"(40-100V anode) or "mds"(6-15V anode). ... 
SU  27 P-4 {П-4}   Set-in crystal detector. Rheostat type tuning. 
SU  26 Radiostandart {Радиостандарт} УБ-110   
SU  26/27 P-3 - П-3   Crystal set with plug-in coils. Coverage from 300 m to 1800 m (160 kHz to 1 MHz). 
SU  27 PKL-2 {ПКЛ-2} УБ-110  Coverage 20-250 m band in 5 ranges with 5 external coils. This shortwave radio set produc... 
SU  26 BT {БТ} [B3]    


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):



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