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History of the manufacturer  

Exclusiv; (Marke)

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Name: Exclusiv; (Marke)    (D)  
Abbreviation: exclusiv
Products: Model types Others

"Exclusiv" ist eine Marke der Handelskette "Woolworth".


This manufacturer was suggested by Kevin Buelow.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
70 14F29   Radiowecker mit Klappzahlen, UKW 87.5-108 MHz, MW 515-1605 KHz. 
80 Electronic III (3)   Exclusiv Electronic III (Electronic 3); Digital LED Alarm Uhr, deutsche Beschriftung, AM/... 
75 Exclusiv AM-FM [Skala horizontal]    
70 Solid State 612   AM Taschenempfänger mit Kunststofftrageschlaufe oben, Abstimmung und Lautstärke/... 
75 AM Portable Radio   Was also sold under the names/brands Robin, Megatone and Sakura. 
77 MW/UKW Transistor Radio Artikel Nr. 39/0    
78 MW/UKW Transistor Radio Woolworth Art. Nr. 688/8    
78 Exclusiv AM-FM Radio [Skala vertikal]   FTZ Nr. 11/605 Made in Hong Kong 


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