bell: 149; Standard

ID: 313490
bell: 149; Standard 
01.Mar.13 21:11

Piotr Jachymczyk (PL)
Articles: 26
Count of Thanks: 7
Piotr Jachymczyk

Why the name of this radio changed to 149? As you can see on the picture of rear wall from my model - it is 538.


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Bell Radio 538 
02.Mar.13 07:01
19 from 2299

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Articles: 2479
Count of Thanks: 5
Wolfgang Bauer

Hallo Mr. Jachymczyk,

your radio is the ==> Bell Radio 538.
Which is very similar to the model ==> Bell Standard.
Look at the scale. The scale at the Bell Radio 538 is bright, at the Bell Standard dark.
Please show the front of your model.

Regards WB.

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Bell Standard 
02.Mar.13 07:40
23 from 2299

Piotr Jachymczyk (PL)
Articles: 26
Count of Thanks: 8
Piotr Jachymczyk

Hmm, in my model scale is dark - as you can see in the last picture in the gallery. But it does seem like the rear wall is original, there's no signs that it was changed. 

Also noticeable difference is in the mouting of loudspeaker - in my model it is hold by wooden bar, not screwed. And there are small differences under the chassis(comparing to Bell Standard), so maybe this was variant of 538 with dark scale?



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Bell Radio 538 
02.Mar.13 16:43
56 from 2299

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Articles: 2479
Count of Thanks: 5
Wolfgang Bauer

Hallo Mr. Jachymczyk,

please create a new model "Bell Radio 538", variant "scale dark, dunkle Skala".
Probably there were many different versions of this model.
The same chassis you can find in Belgium Radiobell 538.

Regards WB.

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Bell 538 
03.Mar.13 17:51
95 from 2299

Walter Haring (CH)
Articles: 218
Count of Thanks: 5
Walter Haring


Einen Grund für die Modellbezeichnung Standard 149 kann ich auch nicht erkennen. Wenn man schon auf die Bezeichnung auf der Rückwand (und der Skala!) abstellen will, müsste das Modell "Bell Standard" heissen.

Gemäss der Firmengeschichte von Standard Telephon und Radio AG (Rene Casutt und Armin F. Egli. 1996) gab es die Modelle 537, 538 und 539 - je mit einer Wechselstromversion und einer Allstromversion sowie je einer TR-Variante bei der Wechselstromversionen. Schaltpläne, die mir vorliegen, dokumentieren den 537 in Wechselstrom und Allstrom-Ausführung und die 538 und 539 in Wechselstromausführung.

Auch ist dokumentiert, dass im Jahr 1938 der Vertrieb von der Belton AG zur Radio Steiner AG überging.

Wie die Bilder der "Standard 149" Geräte dokumentieren, wurden diese Geräte alle über Steiner ausgeliefert und haben wohl auf Wunsch von Steiner andere Rückwände / Bezeichnung erhalten.

Das Gerät von Herrn Jachymczyk ist auf Grund der Bilder meines Erachtens klar ein Modell 538 (Wechselstrom). Ob man auf Grund der anderen Skala ein neues Modell anlegen will, hat Herr Bauer schon vorgegeben.

Freundliche Grüsse, Walter Haring



I can't find a reason for the use of the model designation "Standard 149". Using the back cover (or name in the scale would lead to the use of "Bell Standard".

According the research about the Standard Telephon und Radio AG company's history (by Rene Casutt und Armin F. Egli. 1996), the models 537, 538 und 539 - were made, each in a alternating and all current version as well as each alternation current version additional available with low frequency telephone radio transmission adapter. I habe schematics of the alternating and all current version of the 537 and of the alternation current version of the 538 and 539.

It's also documented, that in 1938 the sales office changed from Belton Ltd to Radio Steiner Ltd.

The pictures of the "Standard 149" are documenting, that all these radios were sold over Steiner and i think that Steiner ordered other back covers at the factory.

The radio von Mr. Jachymczyk is, according to his pictures, a model 538 (~ version). Mr. Bauer already stated, that because of the different dial scale a new model should be created.

Regards, Walter Haring

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Bell 538 
03.Mar.13 18:19
102 from 2299

Piotr Jachymczyk (PL)
Articles: 26
Count of Thanks: 5
Piotr Jachymczyk

So I created new model, if the weather is fine in the next few days I'll take exact pictures.

And thank you for interesting info - it's always good to know more about rather obscure models.

Best regards


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