Radio Receiving Equipment RBZ-Special

MILITARY U.S. (different makers for same model)

  • Année
  • 1943 ?
  • Catégorie
  • Récepteur militaire
  • ID
  • 139246

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 Spécifications techniques

  • No. de tubes
  • 5
  • Principe général
  • Super hétérodyne avec étage HF; FI/IF 455 kHz
  • Gammes d'ondes
  • Bandes en notes
  • Tension / type courant
  • Piles sèches / 67.5 & 2 x 1.5 Volt
  • Haut-parleur
  • - Pour casque ou amplificateur BF
  • De
  • Modèle: Radio Receiving Equipment RBZ-Special - MILITARY U.S. different makers
  • Forme
  • Formes diverses décrites en notes
  • Remarques
  • U.S. Navy personal receiver to receive orders in combat zones. RBZ is composed by two small fiber enclosures fitted into a two-pouch canvas holder. One unit contained the radio itself, the second one hosting the dry batteries, connected by a 4-wire cord. The headset was weared with a canvas skullcap under the helmet, which was used as antenna.
    The permeability tuned receiver has only switch/volume control and tuning knob. Differs from standard RBZ for 5 - 13 MHz tuning range, mostly used in Europe to cover the BBC broadcast.
    The radio could also be AC operated using a special RBZ Power Pack Model 2.
    Manufactured by Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp.

  • Source
  • -- Collector info (Sammler)
  • Auteur
  • Modèle crée par Emilio Ciardiello. Voir les propositions de modification pour les contributeurs supplémentaires.

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