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Information - Help 
ID = 19769
Soviet Union
Brand: Common type USSR (SU) tube/semicond.
Tube type:  LOCKED OFF PART (CODE 9) - see in Notes 
Identical to 6f6c

Description This tube has been wrongly translated by a person who brought a new model. In order that Model-Admins can get warned automatically we have to leave the wrong tube as "wrong tube" (code-9-tube) and placed also a corrected tube. 
Text in other languages (may differ)

6f6ga_so.png 6f6c
Anonymous 10 Collector


You reach this tube or valve page from a search after clicking the "tubes" tab or by clicking a tube on a radio model page. You will find thousands of tubes or valves with interesting links. You even can look up radio models with a certain tube line up. [rmxtube-en]

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