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ID = 80432
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: EMI; Hayes, Middlesex
Tube type:  Photomultiplier 
Identical to 9781B
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The 9781B is a 29 mm (1.13“) diameter, side window photomultiplier with a blue-green sensitive bialkali photocathode and 9 high gain, high stability,  SbCs dynodes of circular  focused design.

Spectral range  165-680nm

Photocathode active area: 8x24 mm

Dynodes: 9 x CFSbCs

Nominal anode sensitivity : 50A/lm

Gain: 700 000

Dimensions (WHD)
incl. pins / tip
29 x 90 x mm / 1.14 x 3.54 x inch
Weight 45 g / 1.59 oz

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