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ID = 19667
Brand: Common type Europe tube/semicond.
Tube type:  Vacuum Pentode   Power/Output 
Identical to AL4/375 = 4684
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First year Apr.1936 Tube leaflet collection E.Erb Analysis by original leaflets

Base Europe side contact P8A (Au P, 8SC)
Filament Vf 4 Volts / If 1.7 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC

Output pentode / Endpentode
As in the UK high-gm output pentodes were launched yet in 1933, this new genre of tubes came to continental Europe as the AL3 appeared in late 1935, with a round cathode and a gm of 9 against 2,5 mA/V of earlier types as a new standard in Europe which remained until the end. Early 1936 appeared the almost equal AL4, with the better profile cathode.Telefunken sold it also in two beam-power-tetrode versions.

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Information source Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   

AL4/375: Röhrenkartei Drenkelfort
Peter Hoddow

s_40_g_2.gif AL4/375: W.Sprick: Austausch-Röhren-Lexikon 1947
Günther Stabe † 19.8.20

Just Qvigstad
AL4/375: Röhrenkartei Drenkelfort
Peter Hoddow

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