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ID = 21378
Brand: Narva, VEB; Kombinat; Oberweißbach (Ostd.)
Developer: Narva, VEB; Kombinat; Oberweißbach (Ostd.) 
Tube type:  Geissler Crookes Elster-Geitel Hittorf   Indication 
Identical to ERR2

Base Duodecal (12-pin), B12A (not glass)
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.4 Ampere / Half indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC

Demonstration tube for Physics Laboratories. The ERR2 Windmill was built to show the properties of electrons, making a small metal vane to rotate when hit by an electron beam. This was a common item in the physics laboratories or technical schools in the past century.

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Dimensions (WHD)
incl. pins / tip
125 x 220 x 125 mm / 4.92 x 8.66 x 4.92 inch
Tube prices 4 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Information source

err2_radiometer.gif ERR2: W.E.
Wolfgang Eckardt

Just Qvigstad
ERR2: Datenblatt Glimmlampenwerk Cursdorf
Wolfgang Eckardt

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