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ID = 43091
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Western Electric Company Inc.; New York (NY)
Developer: Bell Labs; Murray Hill, NJ. 
Tube type:  TWT, Travelling wave tube   SHF/EHF (>3 GHz) 
Identical to M4041
Predecessor Tubes M1789  

Description This TWT tube type M4041 allowed the first use of Satellites for communications.
"The first two Telstar satellites were "Telstar 1", launched July 10, 1962 and operational until February 21, 1963, and "Telstar 2", launched May 7, 1963 and operational until May 16, 1965. They were experimental, and nearly identical. Telstar 1 relayed the first television pictures, telephone calls and fax images through space and provided the first live transatlantic television feed."
"Belonging to AT&T, the original Telstar was part of a multi-national agreement between AT&T, Bell Telephone Laboratories, NASA, the British General Post Office, and the French National PTT (Post, Telegraph & Telecom Office) to develop experimental satellite communications over the Atlantic Ocean."
These two quotes are from Wikipedia.

With the demonstration of 30,000 hr life on a dozen 5-watt M1789 prototype 'IwTs for the Bell System's TH link (the production version is the WE444A) and the use of M1958 ZWTs in a missile guidance system, by late 1959 the TUT emerged as the best contender for conarmnication Satellites. NASA programs in communication satellites immediately took cognizance of their potential for reliable, efficient power generation, resulting in lWTs for Telstar, M4041.

See also: Bodmer, M. G. , et al. , "The Satellite Traveling-Wave Tube," BSTJ, July 1963.

NASA programs i n communication satellites took cognizance of their potential for reliable, efficient power generation, resulting in TWTs for Telstar, M4041; (38 ,5 5) Relay, A-1245; (42 ,5 6) Syncom, 314H;(39'57) with a backup TWT for the latter, WJ-237. (58) TWT developments for Advent, WJ-231; (59) Surveyor, 349H; (39) and MACS, WJ-251 (40) and the X-1131; Apollo, 394H; (39) Pioneer, 214H; Mariner 4, 216H; Lunar Orbiter, 220H; Application Technology Satellite , 384H; Early Bird, 215H; and Saturn Telemetry, 212H were also funded. 
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