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Bush Ireland; Dublin

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Name: Bush Ireland; Dublin    (IRL)  
Abbreviation: bushirl
Products: Model types

Bush Ireland; Whitehall, Dublin, Ireland.
Most Irish models start with BS, the UK export models often EBS, but may have had a different chassis code.


Many UK makers had factories or assembly plants in Ireland from 1930s to 1960s. This was due to Tarrif barriers created by Eamon De Valera's "economic war against the British". From 1955 the UK had VHF-FM, which did not start in Ireland till 1962, and in Ireland only had one station initially.  UK Export models often didn't have LW, desirable in Ireland for BBC. So in 1950s when UK models had VHF many  Irish models were like export models, but with LW replacing one shortwave band

This manufacturer was suggested by Michael Watterson.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
IRL  55 BS35 CH=142 UF41  AC only and isolated despite series valves. The LW replaces 21MHz to 28MHz of the E... 
IRL  55 BS50   Very similar case to VHF90 and EBS50. Might be a battery model, even though EBS50 i... 
IRL  53 BA31   This set appears to be a restyling of the final Bush (England) battery table set, the B... 
IRL  54 BS21 ECH42  Similar case to UK Bush AC34 (though larger) but with UK Bush AC41 chassis and expanded Al... 
IRL  55 BI 21 177 ECH42  Long Superhet version of the BS 21 and UK AC41 where an EF41 and EBC41 replace the EBF80. ... 
IRL  54 BI70   Evidence of actual identification of the Model B170 label has not been sighted. 


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Forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand
Bush Ireland; Dublin
Threads: 1 | Posts: 2
Hits: 2859     Replies: 1
Bush UK and Export Models related to Irish Models
Michael Watterson

Generally the Bush Ireland models are UK export model designs with a Shortwave band replaced by Long wave. After 1955 they may use the cabinet of a UK model with VHF. Certainly up to 1962, no model for Irish Market would have VHF Radio. TV started 31st December 1961, so earliest TVs for Irish Market as well as VHF radio, by any maker are from 1961-1962 season onwards. From early in 1950s TVs and from 1955 sometimes VHF Radio were imported to receive TV in East Coast from Wales, later in other areas from Northern Ireland too (Divis, Black Mountain, Strabane).

There are some Battery Radios in regular table cabinets; 6V Vibrator driven (using a Plessey type 6SR7 synchronous (i.e. self-rectifying) vibrator unit for a mains design), 2 volt and 1.4V types. Possibly some 2V accumulator models but with 1.4V valves (B7G).

There are some Rank Organisation "Bush Ireland" TV sets and Transistor radios.

Model Relationships (incomplete list, Related models are often UK Export )
Irish Related UK Cabinet Bands Comment
AC12   AC41 L/M/S Wider cabinet
BS21   AC34 L/M/S  
BI21       No known UK equivalent appearance
BS35 EBS35 VHF55 L/M/3xS But series valves like EU35, so different transformer
BS40   VHF70 L/M/S no protruding wavechange switch
BS50 EBS50 VHF90 L/M Might be battery model, no bottom switch
ETR92T ETR92 VTR103 L/M/S Telescopic Aerial, red rexine band on case
TV244DS TV161 Rank A640 VHF/UHF Hybrid DS TV, 405 & 625 on VHF

Information from UK collector who has some of the models and manuals listed.

Howard Craven

One more Irish Bush model to add to the list ...

Irish    RelatedUKBandsComment
BI26 VHF62L/M/S1/S2S1 is Trawler band
Bush Ireland; Dublin
End of forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand


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