gemeinsch: VE301W; Volksempfänger: Mystery parts
? gemeinsch: VE301W; Volksempfänger: Mystery parts

My VE-301W restoration is progressing. I now have a question about some strange pieces in the corner.
This radio has two jacks on the right side of the chassis (in the circles). The one in the red circle is connected to ground. The one in the yellow circle isn't connected to anything. I'm guessing this was some home-brew modification someone did for some unknown purpose. The photo on the model page does not show these. Does anyone have any idea what they might have been for or any good advice on what to do with them? I'm tempted to just remove them entirely.
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Audio on Volksempfänger

Hello Michele.
I'm tempted to just remove them entirely.
I think also. They makes hum on Radiosignals.
In 1949 starts FM Broadcast in Germany, some FM Tuners avaiable for connecting on old Radios.
In USA 1947 see here
The Input: see attachments
regrads hans
Attachments:- Audio on VE301W (42 KB)
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OK, thank you very much for the reply, Hans. I am certain you have the answer there. I will just remove those two jacks. They are not authentic and they're just taking up space. Unfortunately, that will leave two holes in the chassis, but this particular VE-301W is in pretty rough shape already anyway (it's missing a chunk of the cabinet near the bottom) so that's not it's biggest problem.
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Is a modification part of history too?
Hello Michelle,
I have been following your restoration with interest. It is very methodical, and serves as a good example.
But I have a suggestion to you. The addition of the two jacks, as identified by Herr Knoll, was probably a later modification to make the radio useable with FM broadcast converts, or perhaps with a turn-table.
This modification probably worked very well, as such it would have merit as part of the history of this particular set that you might like to preserve. To this end, perhaps you should add the missing wire into the audio section. This way, you may even be able to plug audio from a CD player into the jacks, thus adding a modern usefulness to the radio. This would also save you from having seemingly pointless holes in the chassis.
I own a very cute Candy-stripe Delco R-1223 radio with the AA5 tube complement. This radio was modified to also operate as an intercom, or baby room monitor, just by adding an extra speaker with a long cord. I restored the radio and the modification, and I am very pleased that it works very well as a radio and as an intercom.
A couple of years ago, I read an interesting article about another very competent modification to an AM tube radio. In that case, I think it was the addition of an RF stage. The writer of the article restored his radio and kept the performance improving modification.
Another benefit of keeping the audio input modification in youir radio is that it would give you a chance to guage the performance of the audio sectioin of your radio. It may sound a lot better than with AM reception.
Best regards,
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Repair vs. Restoration

Hi Joe. I am honored that you would be watching my VE-301 thread. I have been reading your Forum articles in awe at the depth and detail of your radio knowledge.
First off, that Delco is a great little radio. It reminds me of my Philco Transitone TH-14 (although that has a wood case).
But you did make me stop and think about my project and the whole meaning of "restoration". My goal with a historically significant radio such as the VE-301 is generally to make it look and function as much as possible as it would have when new. But you make an excellent point that at some point in its history, a previous owner took the time and trouble to add an "aux in" function to this particular unit. And it would look a bit odd to have two extra holes in the chassis.
On the other hand, the case has already been damaged and the speaker is not original, adversely affecting its value as a collectible. I am really going think seriously about this question. The project is currently on hold pending receipt of some new capacitors. In particular, the 5000 nF audio output bypass capacitor had a big crack in it and just fell apart when I touched it. That's the second radio in a row I had with that particular part gone bad.
Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to write!
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