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Radio Waves (HRSA)

Journal of the Historical Radio Society of Australia (HRSA)

Periodical   Number 111January 2010

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created by: Franz Harder (02.Nov.15) available by: Gary Cowans
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Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

AUS: Australian General Bandmaster 657ME (1937)
AUS: His Master's Voice C21A (1949-53)
AUS: Diason Products, 32/6 (1950)
AUS: Amalgamated Wireless Radiola 586MA (1958-61)
AUS: Astor brand, Radio Transistor CPN (1958/59)
AUS: Radio and Hobbies, Transporta seven (7) (1959)
GB: MILITARY U.K. Whaddon Radio Set Mk VII "Paraset" (1941?)
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; H724 - The Super-Triumph Ch= 7H02 (1951?)


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