Ciro Guidi, Italy - Tube collection

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ID = 23293

Below you find a part of the tube collection Ciro Guidi.

Radio Valvole Registratori Magnetofoni Giradischi Amplificatori -Trasmettitori Ricevitori sia civili che militari- Casse-Audio Strumentazione e in genere tutto cio' che consuma corrente o che la crea. Grazie.
Result: 1 to 14 from 14
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Excerpt from the tube collection of Ciro Guidi. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by Ciro Guidi.

click to access the tube page
click to access the tube page
click to access the tube page
EF39 1939
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; GB
click to access the tube page
ECH35 1939
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; GB
click to access the tube page
EBL31 1938
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; GB
click to access the tube page
Fivre - tubes; Milano (MI) I
click to access the tube page
25Z5 1933
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
click to access the tube page
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
EMPIRE è l'unica indicazione di questo apparecchio. Il telaio monta una serie di valvole molto più datate dell'estetica della radio e sono della RCA CUNNIGHAM RADIOTRON.La seria è 6A7 6D6 6C6 43 25Z5.Sopra ogni zoccolo c'è la scritta della corrispondente valvola. Trovata la 25z5 che mancava e fatte le riparazioni del caso la radio funziona.
6D6 1933
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
click to access the tube page
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
click to access the tube page
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
click to access the tube page
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
click to access the tube page
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
click to access the tube page
EL84 1953
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
Result: 1 to 14 from 14

Tube collector page of valve collector Ciro Guidi as «own HP at RMorg»
As a member of Ciro Guidi displays items in his/her tube collection. Tubes are called valves in British oriented countries.
Valve and tube collectors as well as radio collectors are invited to join Every member can display separate collections of tubes, radios etc.

Ciro Guidi started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 21.May.2015. [index-en]


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