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ID = 11174
Brand: Radio-Record - Röhrenmarke; Holland
Developer: Radio-Record - Röhrenmarke; Holland 
Tube type:  Double Grid Power Amplifier   Power/Output 
  Ca. 1925 up to 1945 rare.
Identical to Dn904
Similar Tubes
Normally replaceable-slightly different:
  APP4120 ; E453 ; RENS1374d

Base Europe 5-Pin , B5 + side contact (Codex=Fdo)
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 4 Volts / If 1.2 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC

Tungsram and Radio Record made a kind of tetrode with penthode characteristics to avoid the Philips patent on the penthode. In most of the tube manuals these tetrodes are drawn and called penthode.

Information source Universal Vade-Mecum, Electron Valves and Semiconductor Devices   Section 205, p. 404
- - Manufacturers Literature   
Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49

u.png Dn904
Peter den Boer

Just Qvigstad
Dn904: own collection
Peter den Boer


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