Below you find a part of the radio collection Rob Titheridge - including other related items. hifi from 50/60s british radio 50/60/70s some tv from 60/70s |
Result: 1 to 13 from 13 |
Part of the radio collection of Rob Titheridge. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Rob Titheridge but this is not necessarily all of Rob Titheridge's collection.
GB: Fidelity Radio Co. Ltd.; London
1965 ?: 208 front view |
GB: Ferguson (Brand), Ferguson Radio C...
1968 ?: Futura II 3166 picture from a repair for a customer |
J: Kamoshita Electronic Laboratory, K...
1975–85 : Multimeter 360-TR |
GB: Bush Radio; London
1945 : DAC81 |
I: Geloso SA; Milano
1965 ??: G3227-A under the chassis |
GB: Heathkit (UK) by Daystrom
1964 ??: TV Alignment Generator HFW1 |
GB: Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1953 : Stroller III MBP183 under chassis |
GB: Bush Radio; London
1939 : PB61 |
GB: Ultra Electric Ltd.; London
1953 : Coronation Twin R786 |
J: Sharp; Osaka
1978/79 : Optonica Stereo Tuner ST-1515H |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1971 ?: FM Stereo / FM-AM Tuner ST-80F decoder |
GB: Bush Radio; London
1954 : VHF41 front view vhf 41 |
GB: Bush Radio; London
1964 : VHF81 view under chassis |
Result: 1 to 13 from 13 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Rob
Titheridge's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Rob Titheridge opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 12.Feb.2011.
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