Below you find a part of the radio collection Torbjörn Forsman - including other related items. Alte Radios, Fernseher, Messinstrumente, Funkgeräte. |
Result: 1 to 15 from 15 |
Part of the radio collection of Torbjörn Forsman. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Torbjörn Forsman but this is not necessarily all of Torbjörn Forsman's collection.
I: Unaohm Start, Ohm, E. Pontremoli; ...
1984 ?: AM/FM Signal Generator EP-115 |
J: TTC Quality Electronics; (where?)
1966 ??: Block Module Code Oscillator E 1316 |
J: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
1973 ?: Colour TV Receiver CT-202S Front / Vorderseite |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1975–81 : Dual Channel Oscilloscope T-935 |
S: Luma Elektronik AB , Lumalampan AB...
1970 : LT11F01 |
S: Luma Elektronik AB , Lumalampan AB...
1969 : LT11F90 |
S: Luma Elektronik AB , Lumalampan AB...
1961 : Lumant LT315 |
S: Svenska Cykelfabriken, Varberg
1953 : Nornan V1300 |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1979/80 : Oscilloscope 465B |
DK: Linnet & Laursen (LL) A/S; København
1959 ?: Primas TV 6005/21 |
DK: Rank-Arena, Horsens
1976 ?: R800 |
S: Sound Radio; Stockholm
1949 : SR96 |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1961 ?: Ch= TX-380S |
S: Philips, Svenska AB, Stockholm
1942 : 740A ECH21 |
GB: Ferguson (Brand), Ferguson Radio C...
1972 : 3414 |
Result: 1 to 15 from 15 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Torbjörn
Forsman's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Torbjörn Forsman opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 18.Feb.2009.
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