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History of the manufacturer  

Kirksaeter, Düsseldorf

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Name: Kirksaeter, Düsseldorf    (D)  
Abbreviation: kirksaeter
Products: Model types Others

Kirksaeter - genauer "Audioson Kirksaeter" bzw. "Audioson Per Kirksaeter", Erwin-Rommel-Strasse 4, 40470 Düsseldorf.
Deutsche Importfirma der in Handarbeit hergestellten hochwertigen HiFi-Geräte und Lautsprecher.

"KIRKSAETER are European, handmade products of outstanding quality and reliability. For more than 45 years KIRKSAETER has stood for innovative, progressive Audio constructions. They are the world's first produced transistorized amplifier using complementary output transistors, and the first not to use a bass reducing protection condenser in the output. Per Kirksaeter was the first to use symmetric voltage supply and modular technology; the first to make a FM-tuner with the incredible sensitivity of 0.4 µV; probably also the first one to construct a small compact monitor speaker with full bass response. By these, he gave the innovation standard for the Audio and High End industry to come. Patents and Awards prove this.
His company AUDIOSON was a cofounder of The German High Fidelity institute that in the early sixties worked out the base for the later international standard DIN 45500."
(Extract from the Kirksaeter hompage)

Founded: 1958

This manufacturer was suggested by Peter Böhm.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
75 Moderator 60-75   6 LS-Buchsen, Quadrophonie. Eingänge 2x Tape, 2x Phono, Aux, Equalizer-Echo. 6 UKW-Station... 
67 Receiver RTX702    
70 Compact 3000   Stereoreceiver mit 5 Stationstasten. 
76 Moderator 75MC   Zusätzliche digitale Frequenzanzeige, 6 FM-Stationstasten, Quadrophonie, 6 LS-Buchsen, Ein... 
75 Moderator 50-75    
66/67 RTX400   Audioson FM-Mono/Stereo-Receiver, Ausgangsleistung 80 Watt, 1965er Version wird mit Pout 6... 
66/67 TX500   80-Watt-Kompaktverstärker bei 0,25 % Klirrfaktor, eisenlose Endstufe, diverse Eingänge und... 
67 RTX700   Stereo-Steuergerät. 2 x 45 Watt Sinus an 8 Ohm. Verstärkerteil in den gleichen Abmessunge... 
70 Compact 70S   UKW-Stereo-Receiver, NF-Verstärker mit 2 Endstufen je 25 W (Sinus), Eingänge für Ext. AM, ... 
67 RTX 402   Eingänge: Phono (Magnet und Kristall, Band, Tape-Head rechts und links. Lautsprecher A+B 
67 TX800   Stereo Vollverstärker mit 2 x 45 Watt Sinus an 8 Ohm.Rumpel- und Höhenfilter.6 Zenerdioden... 
65/66 RT1000 2N3823  Regelbare Rauschsperre und Scharfabstimmungsautomatik. Nah- und Fernempfangsschalter, rege... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Original prospekt in 1966.tbn_d_kirksaeter_brand_1966.jpg
Original prospekt in 1966.tbn_d_kirksaeter_program_1966.jpg
Original prospekt in 1966.tbn_d_kirksaeter_logo_1966.jpg
Werbung in der Zeitschrift Elektron 1971 / Heft 8 / Seite 290tbn_d_audioson_werbung_1971.jpg
aus Funkschau 1966, Heft 9tbn_kirksaeter_werbg.1966_fs9.jpg


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