Below you find a part of the radio collection David Andrews - including other related items. Vintage wireless and television. |
Result: 1 to 31 from 31 |
Part of the radio collection of David Andrews. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by David Andrews but this is not necessarily all of David Andrews's collection.
D: Lorenz; Berlin, Zuffenhausen u.a.
1946/47 : 1G1-0001-7 |
GB: Alba (Brand) Balcombe Ltd., ALBA (...
1940 : Alba Clipper |
GB: Bestone (brand)
1939 ??: Little Corporal 201 |
GB: Cossor, A.C.; London
1947/48 : 488B |
GB: Decca (Brand), Samuel (Barnett) & ...
1939 : MLD/3 |
GB: Decca (Brand), Samuel (Barnett) & ...
1940 : AW3P |
GB: Decca (Brand), Samuel (Barnett) & ...
1947 : Double Decca ML MW/LW |
GB: Ferranti, GB
1947 : 547 |
GB: Mullard Wireless, London (see also...
1937 ??: MBS7 |
GB: Perdio Electronics Ltd. / Products...
1958 : Piccadilly 7 Transistor PR 721 (Ch= PC16) with OC81 |
GB: Philips Electrical, Lamps, Industr...
1940 : 229B |
GB: Portadyne, (Brand), Dynaport Radio...
1932 : Challenger |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1970 ?: 1392 |
GB: Rainbow Radio Manufacturing Co. LT...
1946 ?: 536 |
GB: Romac Radio Corporation, Ltd.; Lon...
1948 : Olympic 136L |
GB: Sinclair Radionics Ltd.; St. Ives ...
1978 : MTV1B |
GB: Sobell Ind., Slough
1950 : 511W |
GB: Umello Ltd.; London
1930 : Five Valve Receiver |
HK: Emperor; Hong Kong
1972 : Emperor AIE-641 |
HK: Lloytron, Hong Kong
1985 ??: 5" Color TV Radio Cassette Tape Recorder T-055 |
J: Citizen Electronics Co., Ltd., Fuj...
1985 ??: Pocket Colour Television - LC-TV TC53 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1964–70 : TFM825L |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1988 : Watchman FD-9B |
J: Tokai Wireless Co.,Ltd., Tokyo
1962 ?: Aero - 6 Transistors |
SGP: Philips, Singapore
1971 ??: 90RL052 /00 |
USA: Detrola; Detroit (MI)
1946 ??: 571 loctals |
USA: DeWald Radio Mfg. Corp., Pierce Ai...
1941 ??: Unknown Export |
USA: International Radio Corp (Kadette)...
1934 : Kadette Jewel 41 |
USA: Majestic Radio & Television Co.,(p...
1939 : 130 "Mighty Gem" Camera Style Radio |
USA: Sonora Radio & Telev. Corp.; Chica...
1940 : Candid KG-80 |
USA: Steelman Phono & Radio Co.; Mount...
1959 : Transitape 2-7111 |
Result: 1 to 31 from 31 |
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Andrews's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member David Andrews opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 24.Nov.2014.
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